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World Student Christian Federation
Route des Morillons 5, Le Grand-Saconnex, Suisse, 1211 Geneva, SzwajcariaWSCF has been a spirited, formational and life-giving movement of Christian students for over 120 years.
Accomodation for student
Rue Vignier 8, 1205 Genève, SzwajcariaEU Business School offers MBA BBA DBA and Executive programs in campuses across Europe: Barcelona (Spain) Munich (Germany) Gene…
Business Club UZH
Rämistrasse 62, 8001 Zürich, SzwajcariaStudentenverein für Betriebswirtschaft (BWL) an der Universität Zürich (UZH) Student Association for Business Administration at…
Business Club UZH
Wizytówka firmySplendit AG
Hofackerstrasse 13, 8032 Zürich, SzwajcariaSplendit is the 1st Crowdlending platform for student loans in Switzerland. We connect students who need money with people seek…
Splendit AG
Wizytówka firmyBoxclub Sportring Zürich
Ankerstrasse 114, 8004 Zürich, SzwajcariaBoxen - das vielseitigste Training 10 Gründe um anzufangen 1. mehr Kraft 2. mehr Wille 3. mehr Fairness 4. mehr Ausdauer 5. me…
Ashoka Switzerland - Geneva Office
Rue du Conseil-Général 20, 1205 Genève, SzwajcariaOur mission is to build an Everyone a Changemaker World, where everybody has opportunities to create change and self-identify a…
Ashoka Switzerland - Zurich Office
Bellerivestrasse 20, 8008 Zürich, SzwajcariaOur mission is to build an Everyone a Changemaker World, where everybody has opportunities to create change and self-identify a…
International Baptist Church of Zürich
Gheistrasse 33, 8803 Rüschlikon, SzwajcariaInternational Baptist Church of Zürich, an English-speaking Christian fellowship located in Rüschlikon, a suburb of Zürich.
Berner Fachhochschule BFH, Hochschule der Künste Bern
Fellerstrasse 11, 3027 Bern,