
foreign language w Jabłonna, Mazowieckie


Anglonomicon - learn English online with Kasia Sielicka, PhD
thumb_up 393 polubień
ul. Anieli Krzywoń 8/42, 01-391 Warszawa, Polska

I am a fully qualified and certified teacher of English as a Foreign Language, with a PhD degree in English. Come and learn Eng…

British College Warsaw
thumb_up 70 polubień
favorite 7 ulubione
ul.Hoza 88, 00-680 Warszawa, Polska

We educate translators, foreign language teachers and other specialists in Linguistics to become highly esteemed in the job mar…

TFLS - Szkoła Języków Obcych
thumb_up 20893 polubień
favorite 34 ulubione
ul. Boduena 4, 00-011 Warszawa, Polska

Szkoła Językowa TFLS - TESTING & FOREIGN LANGUAGE SERVICES została założona w 1992 r.

Academia Polonica Ewa Masłowska
thumb_up 416 polubień
Jerozolimskie 55/14, 00-697 Warszawa, Polska

There are no languages, which are too dificult to learn. There are no students who are not capable enough to learn. Learning la…

IKO - Polish Language School for Foreigners
thumb_up 1196 polubień
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ul. Kopernika 3, 00-367 Warszawa, Polska

IKO The Institute of Polish for Foreigners - 21 years of teaching Polish to Foreigners

Centrum Powitania w Warszawie
Górskiego 3/17 , 00-033 Warszawa, Polska

Polish Linguistic Institute is an institution with vast experience in teaching Polish as a foreign language. Over 6000 students…

Polski Instytut Językowy
thumb_up 2101 polubień
favorite 62 ulubione
Mazowiecka 12/24, 00-048 Warszawa, Polska

Polish Linguistic Institute is an institution with vast experience in teaching Polish as a foreign language. Over 6000 students… - More Polish More Fun
thumb_up 3168 polubień
favorite 18 ulubione
Nowogrodzka 44 intercom 7, 00-695 Warszawa, Polska

Every reason is good to learn Polish. (Welcome to) Edu & More - Polish Language School for foreigners in Warsaw. More than the …

Nauczanie Dwujęzyczne CLIL Faculty of Education University of Warsaw
thumb_up 295 polubień
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Mokotowska 16/20, RM no 310, 00-561 Warszawa, Polska

The page will provide both formal and informal information on the European project on Bilingual Education and CLIL/information …

Akademia PISM
thumb_up 1959 polubień
favorite 21 ulubione
ul. Warecka 1A, 00-950 Warszawa, Polska

Biuro Szkoleń (dawniej: Akademia) Polskiego Instytutu Spraw Międzynarodowych prowadzi szkolenia i warsztaty z zakresu stosunków…