Fuel level sensor DU-02S
The major advantages of DU-02S fuel level sensors are: 1. High precision. DU-02S error in static mode is not less than 0.15% of the measuring range. 2. Sensor reliability. DU-02S reliability is supported by the electronic components of the world leading manufacturers and the usage of the modern production and testing technologies.3. Temperature stability of the performance. The sensor is equipped with the in-built temperature sensor and has the applied temperature compensation algorithm of the sensor data. Each sensor is the subject for individual automatic climatic tests. 4. Wide range of sensor settings. The possible options: - interface typev RS485 or RS232 (to be specified in the purchase order); - data change speed - 9600, 19200, 56000, 57600, 115200 bit/sec; - type of data output — single or periodic in binary codes; periodic symbolic in ASCII codes; - control points number — from 1023 to 4096; - data averaging time — 12 or 25 sec. This allows to better adapt the sensor data to the GPS block used and the specifications of any fuel tank. 6. Fully automatic parameters control system during the production 7. Functional and convenient software for calibration and taring:: - allows to correct errors made by the personnel when taring fuel tanks; - saves the sensor parameters received during calibration and taring to the PC automatically; - automatically generates the ready-to-print sensor start of operation Protocol; - avoids any unauthorized changes to the sensor settings. 8. All sensors of DU-02S type have Certificates issued in Ukraine in Y 2014 and are manufactured in accordance to the Technical Specifications and Standards duly registered in the State Standards Authority of Ukraine. 9. DU-02S sensors are compatible with the majority of GPS devices with RS 485 interface: «Teletrack», «IntelliTrac», «Teltonika», «Globus», «BI864» and the number of other devices and with the digital fuel level indicator.
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