Cavendish Medical Centre
CH41 8DB Birkenhead, بریتانیا
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Ogólne informacje
EMERGENCIES AND OUT OF HOURS COVER Medical cover is available throughout surgery hours by ringing the main surgery number 0151 652 1955. The practice is closed from 18:30 on weekdays and throughout the weekend. We have later access on Wednesday evenings with pre-bookable appointments. From 18:30 until 8:00 Monday - Friday and throughout the weekend, if you require urgent medical advice or treatment that cannot wait until we re-open, you should contact NHS111 by dialing 1-1-1 on any mobile phone or landline. All calls to this number are free of charge. also has a comprehensive website with advice about self-care: NHS.UK for health advice and information, including details of pharmacies in the area. Many pharmacies operate a minor illness scheme called Pharmacy First and the pharmacist can offer advice and prescribe for a range of common conditions. You can also attend one of the two Wirral NHS Walk-In Centres if you need fast advice and treatment for a minor illness or injury including bites and burns, coughs, colds and emergency contraception. You can use the Walk-In Centres 7 days a week throughout the year; they are open 8:00 - 22:00 Monday - Sunday and Bank Holidays. No appointment is necessary. Arrowe Park Walk-In Centre is located near A&E; at Arrowe Park Hospital, Upton - telephone 0151 488 3706. Wallasey Walk-In Centre is located close to the entrance of Victoria Central Health Centre, Mill Lane, Wallasey - telephone 0151 604 7296. Minor Injuries Clinic is...