50-077 Wrocław, لهستان
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Ogólne informacje
A lot has happened, that forced us to shut down our place at the end of september. At this point we're looking for new inspiration, new energy and a new place. We're still moving forward online and as soon as we find a new location we'll put info on our page, but at this point we're not sure when that may be. na górze miękkie siedzenia, w dole huśtawka, maszyny do pisania, dźwięki, coś do kupienia. ważna jest czynność - picia, mierzenia, tworzenia. ubrania spod maszyny, outsourcing i ze skandynawskiej taśmy. biżuteria, dodatki, torebki - winylowe, vintage i nie tylko. projektujemy, wszywamy, wyszywamy, prujemy, cerujemy, skracamy, przerabiamy. przyjmujemy indywidualne zamówienia. enter. explore. experience. vibrations of curiosity. we dare to know - your colors, your flavours, your moods. our little bit of space in the heart of Wrocław is a place where people shop as well as coexist both with art and themselves. dont just buy and go (well, unless if youre in a rush). sit down, relax, have a chat, a tea, a lemonade, a laugh. stay late at the bar if you just feel like it. feel free to use our space however you feel like. if you want to buy clothes or get your clothes designed - okay. if you want to lie down on massive golden pillows - do it. if you wish to enjoy our swings - go for it. sit at the bar, have a tea, coffee, cocktails, etc. - we're waiting. it s all here.