
DELTA Przedsiębiorstwo Wielobranżowe

Graniczna 10
60-123 Poznań, Polska

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Ogólne informacje

The "Delta" company is one of the well known CCTV branch wholesale store in Poland. We provide the wide range of CCTV products to our customers from whole country. We also send the goods to customers from many parts of Europe. The goods are sent from our head warehouse in Poland. Many of our commercial products are imported from abroad, however we still strongly cooperate with the domestic importers and producers. We choose only those products, which in our opinion have the best ratio of quality to price. For this reason, before the products are introduced into the market they are all tested in our testing laboratory to verify if they fulfill the technical requirements according to the producers` technical data instructions.

Firma oferuje

W skład naszej bogatej oferty produkcyjno-handlowej wchodzą: kamery i rejestratory w wersji analogowej, HD-SDI oraz IP, światłowody, wzmacniacze, rozgałęźniki, transformatory video, separatory, anteny, zwrotnice, zasilacze po skrętce, sterowniki obrotnic oraz wiele innych akcesoriów z branży CCTV

Firma poszukuje

Odbiorców telewizji przemysłowej

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Forma aktywności
Wholesale, Manufacture
Numer Rejestrowy